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Macduff - photography by Richard Broom
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Boxes for Ghana
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Boxes for Ghana
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The Bayview
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The Bayview
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Sunset Macduff
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The Bayview
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The Bayview
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Men at work part 1

Boxes to Ghana

Two years ago I sent the first boxes to children of fishermen in Ghana. They were posted from Macduff at a mighty cost of £60 for 4 boxes. The 4 little girls were delighted and their daddies were as well.

Last year, 2018, I decided to do 50 boxes. I failed. I could only do 40. The cost of the plastic shoe boxes prohibited any more. The idea of plastic shoe boxes was so that the boxes could be used as food storage.

The contents of the boxes had lots of support from the Macduff community. Cuddley toys came from many sources, including individuals, Age Concern and Macduff crafters. I planned many of the items but there were 2 outstanding advisors. Chichi and Jianjian from China Town came regularly to help make stickers and to tell me what should go in the boxes. They made stickers—love hearts for the girls and spiders for the boys!

As various boats came in over the year, the fathers came to see the progress of the boxes. Just like daddies who open the box and play with the toy first before Christmas, the fishermen had their fun too. Masks were tried on, with much laughter. Many stroked the items in the box.

The Conquest and Reliance men stepped forward and a wife and a mother of a man from each boat volunteered to distribute the boxes in Ghana in 2 fishing towns. This was very important……I did not want anonymous people taking charge of the boxes and they would not go to children who needed the love in the boxes. Daddy gone at Christmas is not nice. Contact was made with the ladies and they had lots of good ideas. As a result of the contact, I decided to make 2 Sunday School resource boxes for the teachers. Again, Macduff stepped forward and age appropriate books were offered, as well as crayons, pencils and reams of paper.

In October men from several boats helped to package the 4 big boxes and our shipper gave me the charity price for shipping. 40 boxes plus 2 resource boxes were the same price as the 4 single boxes the year before!

From the photos and video, you can see the sheer joy. Dancing boys, toddler who got her teddy and she is off, no one is taking that teddy! Boxes hugged, teachers enjoying the children, this was the best Christmas gift ever. Charity that does not feel like charity, it feels like passing love!

If you would like to join in, pop in and let’s plan next year’s shipment! Donations of toys no larger than a shoe box would be wonderful. School supplies are always welcome. Remember that in Ghana, parents must pay for education. Thanks Macduff!